Photos from around Mariza Epicentro, including a hike to a nearby ravine and a memorable visit to the local village bars.
Man riding a donkey on the dirt track next to Mariza Epicentro
On the Sunday morning Kamyla, Marcio and I braved the heat and hiked to a nearby ravine
One of many lizards on the ravine walls
Myself, Kamyla and Marcio in the ravine
Interesting rock formations caused by erosion in the ravine
Marcio and Kamyla walking back from the ravine to Mariza Epicentro. Note the leather off-cuts used to stabilise the sandy track
Sunday evening is the main night out in the local village. There are two village bars next to each other and neither of them have any advertising whatsoever on the outside. Every local knows they are bars so why advertise?
Outside the first bar
The bar area of the first bar. The poster to the right of the television is advertising a duet concert at a local farm. Duets are popular in this region
A donkey underneath a mature cashew tree
Vultures near the bus stop where I caught the school bus from Mariza to Tucano. An animal had died overnight and more than twenty vultures were hanging around the carcase vicinity