Farewell Banyandah Toastmasters – for now

After four years, last week was my final Banyandah Toastmasters meeting – at least for now.

Toastmasters is an international organisation aiming to improve people’s public speaking and leadership skills. Located opposite Maylands train station near Dome Cafe, Banyandah Toastmasters is Western Australia’s oldest Toastmasters club having started in 1974.

I joined Banyandah in November 2011 to improve my communication skills and participating in the club has had a significant positive impact. In addition to completing the ten speech Competent Communicator Award, I have entered speech contests, created the club’s website and was twice Club President.

I have learnt from and shared many fun evenings with my fellow members, including Matt, Kym, Ross, Anita, Keith and Adam. The positive and jovial atmosphere is one of Banyandah’s key attributes.

Public speaking can always be improved and practised and, as Banyandah is such a welcoming club, I may well be back there then upon returning to Perth.

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