On Sunday the 26th of November I borrowed Levent’s bike and rode down the coast with Peter and Michael Can to the new Marina complex for the Mersin Car, Commercial Vehicle and Motorcycle Fair (Mersin Otomobil, Ticari Araclar ve Motosiklet Fuari). The weather was brilliant – sunny and mild, like most of the past month.
2.50 YTL each later we were inside the exhibition. As the names suggests, the fair was divided into 3 sections: motorbikes, commercial vehicles and cars.
MOFO‘6 sounds better than MOF’06 (Mersin Oto Fuari 2006), doesn’t it?
Peter and Michael Can’s dream family bike
Earlier this year, Mersin’s government-run bus system entered the 20th century, introducing new buses containing electronic signs and air conditioning.
A slightly better sound system than my 1979 Chrysler Sigma’s (R.I.P.) AM radio
I heartily endorse Coskun’s automotive supplies and services. To get this photo I played the foreigner card 🙂
Looking down the car hall
No Ferraris, Rolls Royces or Lamborghinis were on display but EUR 178,000 for a Mercedes 4WD is still impressive.
I don’t know how effective this backdrop for the Skoda display was
Peter accidentally set off this Ford’s car alarm
The gorgeous sunset, automobile style
Overall, a great day, except…
Part of the way home, we stopped at the park next to Cep Sinemasi for a kick of soccer. Unfortunately, at some stage my Canon A710 sustained damage to the lens cover. The camera is now at the Canon service centre in Istanbul and I’m waiting to find out how much the repair will damage my wallet. In theory, the replacement lens cover part should only cost a few cents. An alternative option is to fly to the US and get the camera repaired under warranty. However, the return flight maybe more expensive than the repair in Istanbul.