This recently deceased former British Diplomat was the Consul-in-charge at Mersin during the Second World War. An interesting story about Sir Denis following the fall of the Iranian Shah:
Sir Denis’s reputation as a Persian expert had, if anything, been enhanced since his retirement. Moreover, he had publicly argued against giving the Shah asylum in a recent letter to The Daily Telegraph. He agreed to go, but, since he was at that time a director of Shell, stipulated that he should make the journey in disguise, lest Shell’s interests in Iran be damaged.
Thus it was that “Mr Edward Wilson”, equipped with phoney papers and dark glasses, arrived at the Ocean Club on Paradise Island and, having been frisked by local security guards, was received privately by the Shah.
After a long conversation “Mr Wilson” succeeded in persuading the Shah to accept the British Government’s decision, though he was not able to dispel the Shah’s bitter disappointment. He sent a laconic telegram to London, “Mission accomplished”, and reverted to his usual persona.