This morning I checked my emails and there was an email from Rebecca ‘Beck’ Paterson. Beck is a former classmate at St. Joseph’s School, Port Lincoln. The 10-year reunion for the class of ’94 is on tomorrow in Port Lincoln.
Since 1994 I have hardly kept in touch with any of my former classmates. Many times I have wondered what they are doing and whereabouts are they on the road of life. I would love to attend tomorrow, but as one could guess, it is not possible on many fronts. Instead, I sent an email detailing my life since 1994, along with a few photos.
Beck did have difficulty locating me and eventually got in contact after seeing my name on the Aussie Schoolmates website. With this blog I would have thought I was one the easiest to locate.
I wish Beck the best of luck with the reunion tomorrow and I look forward to hearing all the news and gossip on the other long-lost former classmates and teachers.