This Blog Post Is Brought To You By The Number 5, Five, V

5 is the number of fingers on a normal human hand


Five is the number of mainland Australian states


5ive is the name of an extremely bland boy band


V is 5 written in Latin


Five is the number of male cousins I have on Mum’s side of the family




5 is the number of serves of vegetables the Australian Government recommends you eat each day


Five is the number of senses we have: smell, sight, taste, hearing and feeling


5 is the value in cents of the lowest denomination Australian coin


Five is the number of letters in Yield, the name of Pearl Jam’s fifth album


5 is how old my blog became on 20 October 2008. Happy belated 5th birthday to Joe’s Ramblings!

2 thoughts on “This Blog Post Is Brought To You By The Number 5, Five, V

  1. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
    But is that really so? I thought that you already had the blog when we met in Turkey/Syria(was it in Syria we met the 2nd time btw?) back late 2002/early 2003…?

    Impressive that you keep going anyway. Can’t say that I am a frequent visitor these days, but I take a peek every now and then 🙂

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